
PM Writing 4 Ruby 27 Let’s Dance




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底下是 PM Writing 4 Ruby 27 Let’s Dance 的內容簡介

Let's Dance

Levels 27 Ruby

Key learning Area The Arts

Theme Creating or responding to a dance performance

Title How to Create a Dance

Text Type Procedure

Page博客來網路書店s博客來網路書局 2–9

Text Form Instructions

Genre Non-fiction

Purpose To provide instructions about how to make or do something

Text Structure

Goal: Outlines what is to be achieved (Page 2)

Materials: Specifies the materials needed to achieve the goal (Page 3)

Steps: Lists the steps in order of sequence (Pages 4–9)

Language Features

?Nouns (e.g. costumes, space)

?Pronouns (e.g. they, your)

?Adjectives (e.g. simple, several)

?Present tense verbs (e.g. practise, rehearse)

?Past tense verbs (e.g. use, have, is)

??Adverbs (e.g. well, together)

?Adverbial phrases (e.g. in front of a mirror)

Title Swan Lake

Text Type Response

Pages 10–16

Text Form Diary entry

Genre Fiction

Purpose To give an opinion about a written or visual work, object or event

Text Structure

Context: States the context of the work, object or event and previews the writer's opinion (optional) (Page 10 and 13)

Description: Describes features of the work, object or event (Pages 11–14)

Judgement: Gives a personal opinion based on the description (Pages 15–16)

Language Features

?Nouns (e.g. choreography, backdrops)

?Pronouns (e.g. they, she, his)

?Adjectives (e.g. classical, graceful)

?Sensing verbs (e.g. enjoyed, realises, want)

?Adverbs (e.g. together)

?Adverbial phrases (e.g. on one foot)

?Time and sequence words (e.g. in the future)

  • 出版社:東華

  • 出版日期:2015/04/13
  • 語言:英文

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1/4098939400" >安東尼(右)。 美聯社 休士頓火箭與紐約尼克' '96474尼克今年夏天一度有機會達成「甜瓜」安東尼' '96472安東尼(Carmelo Anthony)的交易案,不過最終安東尼選擇落腳雷霆,讓火箭的三巨頭夢碎,不過在今天帶領球隊以22顆三分球轟倒尼克後,火箭「大鬍子」哈登' '96465哈登(James Harden)強調,雖然雙方未能達成交易案,但很開心看到每個人都能安定下來。

火箭今年夏天一直都是尼克交易安東尼的首選,不過卻因為提出的籌碼遲遲無法讓尼克答應,最終遭到雷霆半路攔胡,火箭的三巨頭夢碎,反倒是雷霆組成了衛斯特布魯克(Russell Westbrook)、喬治(Paul George)與安東尼的「CPR連線」。


對於今年夏天一度有機會與安東尼組成三巨頭,哈登坦言自己並不在意:「整個夏天都在傳流言,這讓人覺得有點心煩,很開心大家都已經安定下來,安東尼在雷霆看起來很開心,而安德森(Ryan Anderson)看起來也很好,這樣就夠了。」

與安東尼有不錯私交的保羅(Chris Paul)則強調,希望好友能夠找到一個讓自己心情平靜的新環境:「只要他能開心就好了,現在我認為他就很享受其中。」

而過去曾在尼克執教過安東尼且一度傳出兩人不和的火箭教頭丹東尼(Mike D’Antoni)則是強調,並不在意再一次執教安東尼:「當然他來我們肯定會變得更好,而且我知道哈登與保羅都跟他有不錯的關係,所以他肯來狀況會更不一樣,更何況我們先前也在國家隊合作過並贏得金牌,這並不會是一個問題。」

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